4 Ways to Improve Positive Thinking for Good Health

Sanjana Kumari
3 min readJun 22, 2023


You may have heard that positive or negative thinking directly affects health. Have you ever wondered whether positive thinking can affect your health or if it’s just a myth?

It is usually said that you should always think positively and not let negative thoughts come into your mind, but it’s not humanly possible.

Thinking positive means having a positive outlook on every negative and stressful situation, and approaching every good and evil in life with the expectation that everything will go well.

How to Practice Positive Thinking?

Some people are inclined toward negative thoughts that can have a bad impact on their health. Following are some of the ways through which you can make progress toward being a positive thinker.

  1. Keep a Gratitude Journal

Gratitude strengthens optimism. You should always write things that you’re grateful for every day. The main strategy is to read that journal in the morning before doing anything.

Doing so will help you in keeping you optimistic when you’re having a bad day or feeling pessimistic, and will instantly boost your mood.

Studies have shown that you should either write daily or weekly to show gratitude towards things that you appreciate in your life. It is said to be a therapeutic exercise from a clinical perspective.

2. Reframe Your Situation

When you’re in a negative situation, stop being in denial and accept the situation as it is. For example, if you’ve to attend an event and you’re stuck in traffic, don’t panic in that situation.

Instead, reframe that situation to do different things, such as talk to someone on a phone call, or listen to music.

This will help you to divert your mind from negative thoughts to a more optimistic one. Try to accept things that you can’t change and focus on the positive side instead.

3. Open Yourself Up to Humor

Studies have shown that laughing often with people in all situations helps in reducing stress, and anxiety, and it can improve mental and physical health. It instantly lightens the mood and makes things a little less difficult.

When you are not feeling like smiling or laughing, even pretending to smile can also help in reducing stress and improving mood. If you don’t want to laugh, at least smile.

In addition, You can also watch funny videos or talk to your favorite friend that you know will make you laugh or will reduce your stress.

4. Spending Time With Positive People

Have you noticed how someone who is in a bad mood can affect everyone’s mood in the room?

Similarly, positivity will have opposite effects because it has been said that positivity and negativity both are contagious.

When you’re around people who are happy and content, it can improve your self-esteem.

Surrounding yourself with people who are more more-affirming will also encourage you to see the bright side of life, and will also help you in dealing with stress and anxiety more effectively.

Bottom line

Positive thinking has very visible effects on health. We should look toward the bright side of life by reframing situations or spending time with positive people.

It is not about ignoring the fact that negativity exists but approaching life with hope and optimism.

Being consistent is very important because there are many benefits, such as physical and mental well-being. Embrace positive thinking and unlock a happier, healthier you.

