4 Reasons to Utilize Video Marketing to Boost Sales

Sanjana Kumari
3 min readJun 26, 2023


Have you ever wondered why brands engage in video advertising when they can easily advertise through pictures?

Video helps in conveying a clear and captivating message which has helped businesses to achieve their goals.

Video marketing has become an integral part of every business because it is not a choice anymore.

Forecasts show that digital video will surpass TV viewing time between 2022 and 2026.

Here are four reasons why you should use video marketing right away.

  1. Higher Conversion Rate

The ultimate goal of marketing is to convert an average audience into paying customers.

The conversion rate will be increased by 80% by just adding a video on the landing page.

Short and entertaining videos achieve higher engagement and help in building trust.

Vision is a more dominant sense, and due to this, the effectiveness of video marketing is not surprising.

The vast majority of information sent to our brain is visual. So, if pictures can significantly increase engagement, think about what moving visuals can do for your business.

2. Video Appeals to Mobile Users

Mobile and videos go hand in hand. Most people in our generation prefer watching videos on their mobile phones to on TV.

In a survey carried out in November 2022 between marketing professionals, 86% of respondents said that they use videos for advertising, and YouTube was a commonly used platform.

Considering people want to view videos on the move, and smartphone users are expanding, your video advertising audience is growing.

Because of the rise of mobile video, marketers must be mindful of their customers’ personal smartphone experiences.

3. Video Engages Even the Laziest Buyers

Video content is easy to consume, and also a great tool for learning. Today everyone is busy and long product descriptions and digging deep into services become boring.

Modern customers want to see the product in action. Using video content marketing is one of the important driving forces for companies.

Remember to target not only the eyes but also the ears of potential customers. Your competitive advantage gets double power!

Video marketing works on many levels and can capture a wide target audience.

4. Video Builds Trust

Sales and conversions can only be increased if your customer trusts you. Building trust should be a goal of its own.

The concept of content marketing relies on trust and building long-term relationships with customers.

For once, stop selling and let the customers come to you by providing them with interesting and important information.

Some people fear fraud and cheating while buying products and services on the internet. That’s where trust comes into question. Promotional videos foster trust as well.

If your company is serious about the content market, then it must be serious about the videos, too.

Summing Up

In today’s competitive digital marketplace, video marketing has become a vital tool.

Videos are a very effective marketing tactic because of their capacity to transmit clear information, engage mobile users, attract the attention of even the busiest purchasers, and develop trust with clients.

Businesses may enhance conversion rates, attract a larger audience, and position themselves as trusted leaders in their field by using videos.

Embracing video marketing is no longer a luxury for firms seeking to flourish in today’s market.

